After a short fifty minute drive we arrive in the little town of Corumba de Goias where we stop for directions and of course coffee. The town is very colonial and I am all for walking around and taking a look but the waterfall is close and sightseeing in Corumba de Goias is not on the itinerary now. After a short drive we arrive at a small park which is obviously for campers with a campground, shelter, pool, and beach along the stream.
The trail leads us through a meadow filled with native grasses and wild flowers. The air is crisp and the sun occasionally peaks through the clouds. I stop to admire the beautiful foliage and blooming plants a couple of times. Brazil has such a diverse plant life, it is a mix of plants and flowers I know and some I have never seen before. Soon we are at the edge of the meadow and it is time to start our climb up the hill side.
At times the climb becomes quite steep and we begin to wonder what lies ahead and in the back of our minds we cannot help but wonder how we will make it back down. We are always happy when stairs and handrails appear to help us with our efforts. It is more exercise
then any of us are used to and we spend some time laughing at ourselves trying to traverse the path. At least the day is beautiful and we have the shade of the trees around to keep us cool. Even though the trail is more difficult then we had thought, it still seems serene because of the picturesque surroundings. We finally reach the summit and crawl through the narrow opening to come out on a huge gray rock. The rock overlooks a small pond at the bottom of a majestic two to three story tall waterfall.
The spray from the waterfall creates a haze which glimmers in the sunlight above the little pond. There is a group of people wading in the water under the waterfall but we are not sure how they got there. From where we are, the rock has a steep edge that I would not want to get too close to. I take a moment to sit on the rock and reflect on life and enjoy a few minutes of quite time. It is easy to fall into meditation with these surroundings. There are few places in
We arrive back at the camp, hop into the car, and head back to the small community of Corumba de Goias. Founded in 1731 as Corumba, the first inhabitants of the town were miners coming to search for gold in the neighboring rivers. The town is still full of that colonial architecture and has been preserved pretty well. In 1902 the town changed its name to Corumba de Goias to relieve confusion with the larger city of Corumba in the state
An old man is busy working on repairing the wall of the square and a small group of school children are walking down the cobblestone street towards the little store. After a few minutes we get back into the car and continue through the narrow winding streets of the city heading towards the Statue of Christ. We only have to ask the school kids for directions once and soon we are admiring the view. The statue looks out over the whole town of approximately 4,000 residence and I am pretty sure we can see most of it from the viewing platform. Luiz and Margarete inform Milena and I that there is more to our day so we crawl back into the car ready for our next destination. By this time I am pretty sure it is lunchtime and I am ready for some good Brazilian food.
We head back through the winding streets of the little town and make a quick stop to purchase watermelon and pineapple from a local farmer selling his produce on the side of street. He cuts open a pineapple and offers us a taste. It is so sweet and delicious that we decide to buy two and eat them there. The other pineapple and watermelon purchased we are bringing with us for lunch. We drive a couple of kilometers and turn into the driveway of a little homestead. There is a horse tied up on a pole at the entrance and she stops eating grass only momentarily as she raises her head to greet us. The car rolls to a stop (in the shade) and all four doors pop open. Maragete, Luiz, Milena, and I emerge ready for the next part of our adventure.
The homestead is the residence of Margarete’s cousin and we have been invited to have lunch there. Home cooked Brazilian food (just like home cooked American food) is always the best. The place is a cute little acreage that has an old run down hotel on the property. Margarete’s cousin is proud to give us a tour as they are currently in the process of renovating and bringing the property and hotel back to a more glorious day.
as the water is freezing cold and when I say freezing I mean it is just a few degrees from having a layer of ice on the surface. A little disappointed my plan did not work, I head back to the table where they are playing a game that is familiar to me “dominos”. I join in and we play a couple of games as we wait for the meal to be ready. After a couple of games I catch sight of a blue hammock in the corner of the room. Maybe I had foreshadowed my own life earlier in the day when I imagined lying in a hammock by the stream and you already know I love a good hammock. I excuse myself from the dominoes and crawl into the
hammock and take a good afternoon rest. It is not long before
(Go read about our visit to Goias)
Poem by Jill Eisnaugle
Come sit outside, this summer’s day
Relax amid the gleam
Formed by each vibrant sun-filled ray
Resting upon the stream
Breathe softly to embrace the calm
and peacefulness around
While thankful that within your palm
You hold God’s love, abound.
Come take a stroll, among the pines
Lining the dusty trail
See all that nature’s joy defines
In eye-catching detail
Smile for the birds, flying in pairs
And those who live alone
While knowing that nothing compares
To the glory you’ve been shown.
Come rest upon the fertile plain
Beneath the rainbow’s light
And know that every drop of rain
Reveals a blessed sight
For in the clearing, lies a place
Where relaxation thrives
Infused by God’s almighty grace
To dwell throughout our lives.
Love it!!!!! interesting and beautiful!!!!! Keep sharing your experiences here in Brazil!!!!! Congrats!!
Tata - glad you are enjoying -- Brazil is a wonderful country and now that I have explored most of the USA I am ready to tackle this country. thanks for your comments and keep reading!
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