Luiz arrives home and we quickly get ready for a cocktail reception a friend of his (Tacia Magna) has invited us to. I am not sure what the “event” is, but I am always game for dressing up and attending these kinds of functions. After a small bite to eat (there is always food at cocktail receptions so should keep it small, but you just never know what that food will be…right?), we drive to Ambientar (a local venue in Goiania) and park a short distance away. We stroll through the neighborhood with a few other people, all heading to the exhibition. When we get closer I realize it is a wedding expo and since I am in that industry back in Atlanta, I am excited to see what the city has to offer. The show Noivas Em Festa Twitter, Facebook Main Page is celebrating it’s 6th edition and tonight is highlighting over 50 professionals in the high end bridal market. With Valet out front and a welcoming red carpet, it is very similar to productions I network at in Atlanta.
We walk up to the front door and meet Tacia who has our ticket. She leads us into the venue and down the stairs to her stylish table.(Tacia Caligrafa - Official Photo from the night) It is nicely arranged with the hand written invitations displayed. Each invitation was created with simply magnificent and graceful calligraphy. Even though it is written in Portuguese, I am intrigued by the flowing lines of the ink. They are so so precise, I almost cannot believe they are hand written. After a short visit with Tacia we begin to browse the different vignettes set up throughout the space.
The showcase is a representation from all the usual suspects like decoration, photography, buffet, ceremonial garments, shoes, cakes and pastries, invitations, furniture rentals, travel agencies, beauty salons, special car rentals, just to name a few. ( See Exhibitors) Of course the vignettes highlighting the decorators draw my attention. These creative table displays could easily be found at the NACE Table Trends back in the states. (NACE Atlanta / Table Trends)
We make our way through the vendors to the courtyard checking out the many cake displays and possible hotel stays along the way. To my surprise many of the vendors did not want me to photograph their displays. This amazed me as they had put so much work into their creation and it was obvious I am not their competition (speaking only English and being from the U.S.). Even if I did intend to use their ideas, for me imitation is the best compliment I can get.
This vignette is by far the winner of best design in my book (even though it is not a competition) It was the table designed by Valeria Junqueira (Website). To simply describe it as clear, clean and green. The design had nothing simple about it. With a variety of delicate white flowers suspended above the clear head table adorn with tall vases of white orchids and the same delicate white flowers overhead. Plenty of fresh greenery added for the perfect accent to the clear see through elements. Around the head table were positioned the guest tables. Decorated with a fresh garden look adorned with tulips, yellow roses, greenery, and push pin mums in the center. They were lush and overflowing with the details of life. I spent quite a bit of time just looking and admiring the vignette. Ever second discovering a new detail in the design.
Let's head back inside the building (not literally - just in my blog) to a table display which I have to acknowledge and give it honorable mention in my book (again, not a competition) I had noticed it as we walked through earlier and would describe it as dark and delicious. With its
But since this is not a decoration show, I had better spend some time on the rest, so lets head back. In the courtyard Luiz bumps into some friends who we hang out with the rest of the evening. It is always good to friends from our pasts. There is a large crowd of people gathered around the food stations and bars. (sound familiar?) we head towards the sushi bar to grab some nid bits to eat. The sushi tastes wonderful and I can see why everyone has gathered around. You also can’t get far before you are done eating it and need more.
A short while later the music starts. Singer White Sang Nila takes the runway along with her band. As they begin to play my first impression has nothing to do with what I hear but of how the singer is dressed. Isn't this an upscale cocktail party? If it is as I have witnessed then she has not dressed to the occasion. Her white unflattering dress with a gray scull on the front barely covered her bum. It's shortness is only amplified by the tall boots she is wearing. I don’t want to be a hater, but with the mismatched scarf adorning her neck, it looked like she ran through someones closet grabbing what ever she would find to wear. As she was singing I could not get past the outfit she was wearing. Maybe this is her style but I would expect to find someone a little more upscale at an event like this.
We hang out a little longer as Luiz caught up with his friends and I continued my people watching and creating stories in my head about who these people are in the wedding industry. I again wish my Portuguese was further along because you just never know the contacts I could have made. But it is what it is and the night is over and we head home to the comforts of our home. Another wonderful evening full of friends and beautiful things to see. The post for CASA COR Goias will be done shortly - check back and in the meantime check out my other posts.
Interior Design - Goias Style - COSA COR
(Read "A day in the Country")
(Click here for More Photos from the night)
I enjoyed the images you posted but even more the ones your words evoked. I have a strong sense of place and mood from your writing. Thank you!
work and play! Cannot wait to see you, in person, though I know you hate to leave.
Thanks Yvonne- I am so glad you are enjoying... and Christy I am sure I will see you soon...
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