Sunday, June 15, 2014

Merthyr Tydfil - The Final Day...

Ok - not much to write about today.. I woke up with the sun shining through the bedroom window and plans to take the IMG_3540short bus ride and explore Cardiff.   Upon waking up I am feeling quite under the weather and not sure if the jet lag has done me in or if it is the go go go I have been doing since arriving.  I head downstairs,  eat a little breakfast and take a shower but I still feel tired and all I want to do is go back to bed.  With plans to meet up with my other European travelers for the next leg our our trip tomorrow,  I decide that it is best I take a day and rest and relax.  Do a little bit of internet exploring and since Cardiff is a bus layover on the way,  maybe I can leave earlier then planned and still see a part of the city.   So by mid morning my day has been planned as I will stay at the house and get some well needed rest.  By IMG_3781Mid afternoon I wish I had boarded the bus and headed to Cardiff but maybe I can catch up on some blogging.  ( Since the trip was last year I want to share that this day actually allowed me to write all my experiences in Wales.  I did not spend time editing and proofing them until now but at least had a rough draft.)  So that is all for this post. Hot tea, television, and an early bed is planned for today.

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